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Machine Vision at Fermi Institute in Mantova-Project Conclusion

May 20, 2024
The project delivery given to the students was the creation of a smart camera based on Raspberry Pi

On October 20, at the Fermi High School in Mantua, together with a group of teachers from the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, the organization of a project work in collaboration with Opto Engineering started, involving the classes 5EELE and 5ITEL in the realization of some machine vision components.

The project delivery given to the students was the creation of a smart camera based on Raspberry Pi, on which software with artificial intelligence was written. The students were then free to choose the application of this smart camera.
The result was of a high standard, as all groups succeeded in the goal of starting with an idea, defining the project steps and then developing the electronics, mechanics and software.

The culmination came in May, during a meeting at Fermi headquarters, where the 3 groups presented their work and gave a live demonstration of their creation.
It is a source of great pride for us to have been able to support these brilliant students in the design phases. Some of them took place directly in the company.

For these bright young people and many more, we would like to remind you that all of our open positions are posted on our website!

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