Opto Engineering® - 20 years
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Company info

Opto Engineering Headquarters

Opto Engineering S.p.A.
str. Circonvallazione Sud 15
46100 Mantova (MN) - Italy
phone +39 0376 699111
[email protected]
VAT/FC 02011230204
Share cap. (f.p.) € 205.258,00
REA: MN 216669
Reg.mail: [email protected]

Opto Engineering Germany

Opto Engineering Deutschland GmbH
Marktplatz 3 82031 Grünwald - GERMANY
phone +49 (0)89 693 96710
Geschäftsführer: Antonio Saponaro
HRB 208104, Amtsgericht München
USt.-IdNr. DE292168011
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 95420883

Opto Engineering USA

Texas Industrial Optics Inc.
11321 Richmond Ave, Suite M-105
Houston TX 77082 - USA
phone +1 832 212 9391

Opto Engineering China

Room 1903-1904, n°885, Renmin RD
Huangpu District 200010, Shanghai - CHINA
phone: +86 21 61356711

Cookie policy

Privacy policy

With this policy, the Data Controller provides visitors and users of the website www.opto-e.com (also referred hereinafter to as the "site") with the following information on the processing of their personal data collected through the site.

Detailed information on the processing is reported with the aim of defining limits and procedures for each processing of personal data carried out by the site, according to which the visitor may, if required under the legislation, freely express consent to the processing of personal data.

Data Controller

Opto Engineering S.p.A. (hereinafter abbreviated to “Opto”) is the Data Controller of the processing carried out on personal data collected and processed by this site. Pursuant to Article 37 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR"), the Data Controller is not required to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO / DPO).

Contact Details

Opto Engineering S.p.A.
Strada Circonvallazione Sud 15, 46100 Mantua - Italy
Phone +39 0376 699111 – e-mail [email protected]

Data processed, conferment and purpose of processing

The personal data provided by the users who avail themselves of the functions of the site, who navigate and visit the site, who voluntarily forward requests for information through the site, are used for the sole purpose of performing the service or provision requested. With the exception of technical service and navigation data processed automatically and data collected through technical cookies for which consent is not required, the user is free to provide personal data to use the services and features offered by the site: failure to provide the requested data may make it impossible to obtain the requested service.

Technical navigation data

Computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, certain data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This category of data includes: IP addresses, the type of browser used, the operating system, the domain name and addresses of websites accessed or exited from, information on pages visited by users within the site, access time, internal path analysis and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's computer environment. These data are processed in an aggregate and non-identifying way and may be used by the provider to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site, or by the Data Controller for purposes of technical management of the services provided and anonymous statistical analysis of traffic generated and pages visited. These data will be kept for the time necessary to carry out the specified purposes.

Data provided by users through e-mail messages

Each site publishes the contact email addresses of the Data Controller, to which any interested subject may freely write: the conferment of data is optional. The data will be processed for the purposes specified by the interested party who transmits them, and will be kept, in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, for the time necessary to achieve the purposes specified by the interested party.

Data provided in contact or information request forms

On the pages of the site, the user can fill out forms to send requests for information or other messages. Only common contact and source personal data of the user are collected, along with any optional data related to the visitor's request; these data will be used to respond to the message and provide the requested information. Before sending their data, the user agrees to the processing according to the law. The data will be kept for the time of achievement of the purposes, that is the processing of the request, unless these are already present in our archives for other purposes of management of the relationship with the interested party which might require different and prolonged storage times.

Newsletter subscription

On the site you may sign up for the periodic newsletter that Opto Engineering sends to subscribers, with commercial and technical information for updates on products and services, news on events and fairs, promotional campaigns. The assessment of mandatory data has been made taking into account the principles of necessity and proportionality, relevance, lawfulness and limitation of processing prescribed by law. Only common personal data are collected. The subscription is optional and requires the specific consent of the interested subject. The data will be kept for the time of validity of the user's registration and will be deleted upon request of cancellation by the user.

Unsubscribing from the Newsletter

In the newsletter email sent to registered users you will find an unsubscribe link. You may also send a specific request to the generic email address listed on the site in the contact page, specifying your request to unsubscribe from the newsletter and remove your personal data.

Job Application Data

On the page WORK WITH US the site publishes job offers from the companies of the group and enables the submission of applications and resumes from those interested in working with us: the provision of data is optional. The complete updated text of our information on the processing of personal data for job applications is available in the dedicated section.


Our Cookie Policy is available at this address: Legal - Opto Engineering® (opto-e.com).

Links to other websites

On the pages of the website, you will find links to visit third-party websites. The use of such features leads the user to interact with web services offered by third-party sites and implies the exchange of information with such sites. The user leaves our site to access the third-party site, where the management of the user's information is carried out independently by the third-party.

Social Media

The site contains links to visit the pages of our profiles on various social media such as Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, Vimeo, or to view multimedia content found in these same social profiles. The use of these buttons and features leads the user to interact with web services offered by third-party sites and implies the exchange of information with these sites; the management of information and how to delete it is regulated by third-parties. For example, when our profile on a third-party site such as Facebook or others is accessed from a link present on our site, the browser or app, as the case may be, will establish a direct link to the third-party site ("Social Plug-in") and thus transmit data directly to the third-party domain that deposits the cookie. In addition, if you browse our site while logged into your social network profile, you have already agreed to the use of cookies delivered via the social network. The collection and use of information obtained by third-parties through plug-ins is governed by the respective privacy policies of the social networks, to which we invite you to refer.

Processing and storage methods

The processing takes place with manual and computer procedures, in compliance with regulatory requirements and with the implementation of appropriate security measures to prevent loss, destruction, alteration of data and unauthorized access to data. The data are processed only by authorized and trained staff within the scope of the processing of competence, for example for maintenance of the website or for the execution of administrative and commercial activities and customer service. The data may be disclosed to other companies related to or controlled by Opto, or to third-parties designated as our Processors for the processing of competence under Art. 28 of the GDPR.

The data are kept for the time necessary for the purposes of processing, subject to any retention periods required by laws or regulations applicable to the data processed.

Data collected with consent, for example, data for newsletters or marketing, are retained until the user requests deletion or until our processing purposes are exhausted.

Categories of subjects to whom personal data may be transmitted

For the pursuit of the various processing purposes, the Data Controller may communicate, by means of transmission, the personal data of the interested parties to the following categories of third-parties:

  • subjects identified by law;

  • companies or professionals who provide services for the provision and management of the website and for the management of the information system of the Data Controller;

  • companies or other subjects for shipping and transport services related to purchased or returned goods;

  • subjects that provide customer service activities;

  • companies, professionals and consultants supporting our activities;

The subjects belonging to the above-mentioned categories will use the data received as autonomous Data Controllers, unless they have been designated our Processors of the processing of their specific competence: the information on the list of Processors can be provided to interested parties in the exercise of their rights as provided by the Regulation. The data will not be disseminated in any way and will not be transferred outside of the European Union.

Exercise of data subject's rights

Subject to the limitations provided by the same Regulation, the data subject may, at any time, exercise the following rights provided by Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR:

  • access to personal data; rectification; cancellation; restriction of processing; opposition to processing; data portability;

  • revocation of consent, where applicable: the revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;

  • information on the automated process relating to profiling.

In order to exercise their rights, the interested party must contact the Data Controller at one of the two companies at the addresses indicated in this page in the chapter "Data Controllers and Data Processors". The data subject may also lodge a complaint, within the terms and conditions provided, with the Supervisory Authority for the protection of personal data: please see www.gpdp.it for more information.

Changes to the policy

This policy governs the methods of processing of personal data processed by the Data Controller through the website. Possible future introduction of new sector regulations, as well as the constant examination and updating of services to the user, could imply the need to vary these methods. Therefore, we invite visitors to periodically consult this page. To this end, the policy document highlights the date of updating.

[M.111.01.A del 07/03/2022]

Terms of Use

All materials on this website www.opto-e.com (and all other possible local domains of Opto Engineering®), including but not limited to: audio, images, software, text, video clips, design, structure, selection, coordination, expression (next - the "Content"), contained on this website are protected by copyright under Italian copyright law, international conventions and other copyright laws.

Any copying, posting, reproduction, public displaying, modification, translation, distribution or other unauthorized use of the Content (including any portion or version thereof) is prohibited. Nevertheless, users of this website have the limited permission to view, print and distribute the Contents for personal informational purposes so long as any copy or other reproduction includes the above copyright notice. All other actions should be previously authorized in written by Opto Engineering®.

You agree to follow all instructions on this website limiting the way you may use the Content.

The products, processes, technology and related information described in this website may be covered by one or more issued/pending Opto Engineering® patents. No license or other intellectual property right are granted or conferred by this website or by anything appearing herein to such Opto Engineering® products, processes or technologies.

On this website there are also represented the proprietary logos, service marks and trademarks. By making them available on this website, Opto Engineering® is not granting any license to utilize those proprietary logos, service marks, or trademarks. Any unauthorized use of the Content may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and other laws connected.

If you send any communications or materials to the website by electronic mail or otherwise, including any comments, data, questions, suggestions, or the like, all such communications are, and will be treated as, non-confidential and non-proprietary. In consequence, you give up any claim that any use of such material violates any of your rights including moral rights, privacy rights, proprietary or other property rights, publicity rights, rights to credit for material or ideas, or any other right, including the right to approve the way Opto Engineering® uses such material.

This website may contain links to other Internet websites on the World Wide Web. Opto Engineering® provides such links for your convenience only, and is not responsible for the content of any website linked to or from this website. Links from this website to any other website do not mean that Opto Engineering® approves of, endorses, or recommends that website. Opto Engineering® disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, legality, reliability, or validity of any content on any other website.

No statement, representation or other information contained in this website should be construed as binding upon Opto Engineering® contractually or otherwise the basis for any express or implied warranty. Please contact Opto Engineering® for the most up-to-date information regarding specific products and services. Opto Engineering® may also add, change, discontinue, remove, or suspend any other Content posted on this website, including features and specifications of products described or depicted on the website, temporarily or permanently, at any time, without notice and without liability.

Opto Engineering® is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of the information indicated on the website or other marketing materials. All information in this site is provided "as is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL COMPANY OR ITS AFFILIATES, PARTNERS, SUPPLIERS OR LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR EXAMPLARY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR ACCESS OR USE OF THE WEBSITE WHETEHER OR NOT THE DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE AND WHETHER OR NOT COMPANY WAS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.

You should not assume that the future performance of any specific product or service will be profitable or equal to corresponding past performance levels.

Opto Engineering® as an entrepreneur, in advertising or equivalent marketing activities, may attributes to its products or company characteristics such as qualities, indications, requirements, virtues, that should be considered a subjective opinion of the company. IN NO WAY SUCH STATEMENTS SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A LIMITATION OF CONSUMERS FREEDOM OF CHOICE OR BE TREATED AS A FALSE REPRESENTATION OR ADVERTISING. In any case the information provided is guaranteed to be clear, intelligible, and open so the customer has the possibility to make informed decision. All contexts shall be read as an entire understanding and the single phrases shall not lead to the incorrect message. NO STATEMENT SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS NEGATIVE COMPARISON AGAINST OTHER PRODUCTS OR COMPANIES. THE COMPARISON STATEMENTS MAY BE MADE BETWEEN THE PRODUCTS OF OPTO ENGINEERING OR THE CARACTERISTICS OF THE SAME PRODUCT.

Opto Engineering® may add to, change, or remove any part of these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, without notice. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions of Use or any terms posted on this website apply as soon as they are posted. By continuing to use this website after any changes are posted, you are indicating your acceptance of those changes.

These Terms and Conditions of Use and any additional terms posted on this website together constitute the entire agreement between Opto Engineering® and you with respect to your use of this website. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of these Terms and Conditions of Use, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of this agreement, and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions of Use shall continue in full force and effect. These Terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Italy.

Opto Engineering® Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved.


At Opto Engineering Spa we have an open corporate culture, driven by ethics, transparency and responsibility and built on solid values. That is why, for the people who have a working relationship with our company (employees, contractors, shareholders, suppliers, customers), we have made an internal channel available, that is, a Whistleblowing platform, to be used to report any event, action or conduct, carried out by our personnel, that might represent a breach of applicable regulations or legislation or that might cause economic or reputational damage to our company. We stress that this channel should not be used for commercial complaints or for requests or disputes relating to personal interests.

In managing the reports received, we undertake to respect the principles of confidentiality, proportionality and impartiality, and to recognize the good faith of those people making reports and to guarantee their anonymity. Furthermore, we shall not tolerate and we shall vigorously oppose any form whatsoever of threat, retaliation or discrimination against anyone involved in a report.

Our Whistleblowing platform is available at: opto-e.normaprivacy.it

For more information, visit the following links:

EU Regulation 833/2014

According to EU Regulation 833/2014 including subsequent amendments and additions, those Customers whose legal registered office or whose shipped goods place of destination is not within European Union, United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Republic of South Corea, Australia, New Zealand, Norway or Switzerland, are prohibited to export Products to Russia or Belarus, be them managed as components or assembled into a system. The sales to third companies which the Customer is knows to be at risk of exporting Products to Russia or Belarus is also prohibited.

By placing a purchase or evaluation order the Customer confirms to be acknowledged of this prohibition and to be aware that in case of infringement Opto Engineering will unilaterally and immediately cease any existing supply contract with the customer, will stop any service related to its products, will ask to the customer to provide adequate remedies and indemnification for the caused damages pursuant to Article 11.1b of General Conditions, as well as inform the public authorities of the violation.

We are Opto Engineering®