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IncOEntri - a project dedicated to the entire Opto Engineering HQ team

IncOEntri - a project dedicated to the entire Opto Engineering HQ team

It is with great pleasure that we present a project dedicated to the entire Opto Engineering HQ team: IncOEntri.
What is IncOEntri? It is a calendar of events sponsored by the company with the aim of presenting places and peculiarities of the Mantua area and beyond...

In fact, by sharing cultural and gastronomic experiences, we have the pleasure of creating a bond not only with the city of Mantua, where Opto Engineering has its headquarters, but also and above all among colleagues, outside working hours.

Yesterday, the first IncOEntri event took place at Museo di Palazzo D'Arco, with an exclusive guided tour of the Palazzo and a closing aperitif.

We would like to thank Palazzo D'Arco for allowing us to admire its beautiful spaces and Hortus-Agricoltura Sociale for the aperitif at km 0.

Reading time
1 min
Published on
March 22, 2024