Opto Engineering® - 20 years
Home News 2014
Vision 2014: you’re invited

Vision 2014: you’re invited

Next week, we will attend the Vision Show in Stuttgart. You may have read those words before, but their meaning did not fade over the years. Vision events stand as major milestones in the path of Opto Engineering, testifying our growth, our challenges and – above all – our passion.

This year will be different. We never had so many products to present, and so diverse in technology and target applications.
The LT illuminators family will undoubtedly play a big part inside Opto Engineering booth, with a live demo available and with our usual team of sales engineers* ready to answer all your questions.

The new ‘4K telecentric lenses and illuminators will be present too: the unique flat form factor enables complex vision setups inside space-constrained production environments while retaining the superior optical performances of Opto Engineering TC products.
Speaking of the telecentric family, Vision 2014 will see the debut of our TCCX telecentric lenses and TCCXQ assemblies, both featuring coaxial illumination provided by an accurate and powerful LED source.

(*) We partnered with renowned Italian fashion firm Luigi Bianchi Mantova to design and manufacture our suits and dresses,
so they will be much easier to spot ☺.

You can also attend two Opto Engineering keynotes, for a deeper insight into potential applications for our products, old and new:
• Inspection, optical measurement and illumination solutions for the automotive parts manufacturing industry
• Innovative optical solutions for biomedical/pharmaceutical industry

We are looking forward to meeting you and shake hands. See you in Stuttgart!

November 04 – 06, 2014 | Stuttgart, Germany
Messe Stuttgart – Booth 1F44 – Hall 1

Tempo lettura
2 min
Pubblicato il
ottobre 30, 2014